True Love - Step into the TRUTH of the Couple Relationship That Fulfills You
8 interactive sessions
This is the only way to be truly happy in your relationship.
1. Relationship with yourself
2. The distance between where you are and where you want to be in the relationship with your partner
3. The link between your genetic inheritance and your current relationship
4. Communication in relationships
5. Your partial identity
6. The love you can receive
7. Self-sabotage
8. We build fulfilled relationships in these times
Many women have participated in femininity, communication, personal and spiritual development programs. They've worked with therapists, psychologists ... and I know it's a long process, maybe even difficult for some people.
If you are in the category of those who have read and worked hard, accumulated a large body of information and yet no results are seen in your life, you are in the right place.
It's natural to ask, "How is it possible for this program to change so much when you know from experience that it's not that easy and fast?"
Well, in this program you will get acquainted with the latest tool discovered, and scientifically proven, which produces instant effects, because ...
It works energetically at the deepest level and transforms the energy of each participant, combined with the increase of awareness.
If you haven't heard or experienced anything like this yet, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist :)
Transformations in these times are instantaneous ... only for those who are open and willing to act.
★ ★ ★
"I made a major change in perception and behavior. Before, the most important thing for me was my business. Now, the couple's relationship comes first. In second place is my friend's business, followed by my business. My role The first thing is to support him to earn more and easier, if I want him to be the man and pay for our vacation :) Now I feel much more relaxed and I support him, naturally, I have become more female… more WOMAN. "
★ ★ ★
"Before I got into the program, I understood that something was wrong with my woman-man relationship because I was always in pain after every relationship. I understood that I was focusing only on the male, focusing only on the relationship there."
★ ★ ★
"Now I understand how important it is to focus on myself and to rediscover the possibility of balanced relationships."
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"I feel calm inside, I don't put pressure on my partner anymore, I don't stress him anymore, I feel detached. I feel better with myself. I want moments when I'm alone, because it's good for me."
★ ★ ★
"I realized that in all my 3 relationships I was addicted to control. I realized that after the last relationship, under the 'mask of working with me', I isolated myself, and I built a wall between me and a possible partner, which what made it impossible for me to ever be with anyone! "
★ ★ ★
"I've been alone for a long time. After the first month in the program, men started looking for me. Now, I don't reject them anymore, but I agree to talk to them at the soul level, not only at the business level. he wanted to flirt with me). "
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"I feel confident. I know that any problem comes to me, it is solved. I no longer feel that I have the worries of life, but I enjoy every experience."
★ ★ ★
"I realized that the male inside me had ended the relationship. I had become the man in the house, but by the time I entered this program I did not understand that I had actually generated the situation, and that I could have changed something to improve the relationship. Until the program, I was wondering why he didn't do anything for the relationship. Now I know what I can do. "
★ ★ ★
"I understood how I was in the masculine energy and I was struggling to get anything. Now I feel light, more relaxed, relaxed. And things are much simpler."
★ ★ ★
"When I joined this program I tended to expect the other person to do something, to read my thoughts. Because I thought that if I said what I wanted, I would tease him like my mother was teasing me. me, to heal my soul, to give me time, to give me patience. Now I don't feel the pressure of time. "
★ ★ ★
"I understand my children now. I have a harmonious relationship with children (we used to argue all the time, about everything). Now there is peace and harmony in the house."
★ ★ ★
"I joined this program because I interacted with a lot of people I didn't like. Now, I see them with different eyes and it doesn't bother me anymore. Relationships with these people have improved significantly."
★ ★ ★
"In this program, I felt seen, listened to, and supported. I never felt judged, although it was hard for me to open up at first, and it was hard for me to set out my own challenges. I'm glad that I have had the power to say certain things about myself in public that do not make me proud. "
★ ★ ★
"Thank you for being able to share, to expose my pains and challenges. I feel more relaxed, released now. Now I like myself!"
★ ★ ★
"Today I was put in a position to make a compromise in a relationship with a person. It was not something serious or important, it was something trivial ... I analyzed myself a little, I listened to my soul and immediately the answer was "No", so clear and fast! I realized that if I made that compromise I WOULD NOT REALLY LOVE MYSELF at that moment !!! There is a big difference between what I would have done a few weeks ago and today! it has departed from MY LOVE FOR ME! "
★ ★ ★
"I share with you the joy that my soul felt today, 2 weeks after the start of the program. After almost 5 years I resumed my relationship with my mother and my brother as if nothing had happened. And all this after Last week I worked with the "magic tool" patterns that came from my parents. "
★ ★ ★
"I am much more confident in everything from the point of view. I understood many important things (the most important thing is that a relationship is not drowned in words but in concrete deeds)." "Bianca
★ ★ ★
"I want to share with you what beautiful achievements I have after this program ♥ ️!
I recently got the keys to my new home in London. I manifested it very easily. I bought it for £ 600,000 and moved into it. My partner I've had problems with before has changed. I am calm and confident. I am more feminine and creative now, with a mindset to achieve many goals. I learned that I need to be in the mood for what I want to achieve. Everything is energy! Thank you Anisoara! "
★ ★ ★
"After constant work and longer sessions on weekends, after heated or tiring discussions, but which kept revealing new themes, deeper, after yawning, dizziness, pressure, crying and all the peace laid in me at the end of each exercise, my partner he just told me clearly, "Something has changed in you, I don't know what, why, but I really like it!"
★ ★ ★
There has been a potential loss of my home. I received guidance and homework from Anisoara, and on top of that, there were some solutions that unlocked the tension accumulated due to the desperate situation I was in last week. And the nice part is that the topics recommended by Anisoara are related to suffering in love more than the attachment or suffering of losing the house. So, in the two weeks since True Love started, I was shown the reason why I chose to be in this course. And one more thing! that I will have to pay something at home when, last night, Ozana made a call on great financial investments. In conclusion, just be Gigi Contra not to see how your life changes in real time and how awareness arises enjoy a coffee 😊
Certified Reconnective Healing and Reconnection Practitioner, with 12 years of experience in the field of energy healing, Anisoara discovered the importance of energy and energetics on man and quality of life, since 1990 when he managed to overcome his own limitations, starting from the position of leader in network marketing with over a thousand people in the organization.
He has facilitated the evolution and progress of thousands of people, with over 10,000 hours of therapy and coaching worked with clients, leads 7 programs under the BeYou.BeFree logo, with guaranteed results for those who are present and active in counseling sessions.
Its mission is to guide people who seek to become aware of their true divine nature and to manifest it in their own lives in order to be truly free and happy.
Known in the business world as the Smart Profit Accelerator, Ozana has recently become the messenger for the right transformation for the seeker.
The years when Ozana was focused on accelerating her own and her clients' profits, more than 60,000 entrepreneurs from all continents, gave her the material satisfaction and professional recognition she wanted, but led to the loss of her child's father's relationship. 12 years of relationship. The pain of losing her beloved man was so great that Ozana was forced to search. Her own transformation, Ozana now living the life she loves, led to the founding of the BeYou.BeFree movement. BYBF events and programs guide those who seek the self-transformation that gives them true freedom and the joy of living in every moment.
Energetic Empowerment™, the tool used in this program works and gives results to every person who is open to implement it.
It is scientifically tested and proven.
If you have not yet decided that you want to change something in yourself, if you do not want to live in truth, the programs are not for you. That is why we do not offer a guarantee, because we want those who participate to be eager and ready for transformation and to work with the tools offered.
True Love - Step into the TRUTH of the Couple Relationship That Fulfills You
8 interactive sessions, every Monday, from 20.00 to 22.00
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