Money Magnet Program
by Anisoara Preda

Eliminate blockages that prevent you from having the money you need, through energy transformation

8 interactive sessions, 6.30-8pm UK time

  • Ongoing, Thursday 6.30-8pm UK time
  • Online
  • Continuous interaction and support through WhatsApp group
  • Limited to 10 participants, in order to have individual discussions and provide clarifications to each participant in each session
  • £931 (payment options available)

Recordings of sessions can be accessed at any time during the program and 30 days after the end of the program.

All humans were born to live in abundance.

Unfortunately, each of us has been accumulating fears, beliefs, feelings, desires, expectations that limit our lives, that prevent us from having what we want and makes sense for us.

We have been educated to live in compromise, to work hard, to make efforts. We have been educated to be busy to have money. We were not been raised to be rich, to live in abundance.

Now is the time to turn these limitations into creative energy. Therefore, every week we will understand the blockages and limitations that keep most people in the same place, that prevent people to want and have more.

During each session, you will identify those aspects that hold you back, and together we will transform them to enable you to reach the financial position you want.

Here is the structure of the program. Can you identify the limitations that are most relevant to you?

The 8 Pillars to Becoming Money Magnet

1. Despair or Relaxation

People who are desperate for not having enough, usually have lost a lot and are worried about the future. They are attached to past events (even if they don't realise it), which makes them unable to see the opportunities that already exist in their lives. They can't see beyond their experiences. They don't see solutions. They are stressed, panicked, blocked and shake in vain. Some even gave up wishing and are now blazed. They think and believe they can't have more.

Those who make money easily are optimistic, relaxed, open and confident. They see opportunities precisely because they are balanced, and enjoy their lives as is.

During this session we will use an extremely simple tool with which you change your perspective, to enable you to go to your inner relaxation, which is crucial to get your desired income. With this tool, you release despair, distrust, stubbornness, dissatisfaction, to get to the mental clarity you need to see opportunities, so money can easily come to you.

Discover that you are a breath away from the money you want!

2. Your relationship with money

When it comes to money, most people sabotage themselves by their own limiting beliefs.

During this session, you will identify your self-sabotaging beliefs and turn them into creative energy.

We start with the question:
"What was the first perception of money you remember as a child?"

Your answer will start the discussion that uncovers your own limiting beliefs.

3. Your Relationship with Work

Most people work because they need an income. They do certain things they don't like, which creates the misconception that one can't reach their dreams because of work ... and they stop dreaming.

People need money, and it is normal to work hard to earn it. Most people are under pressure and get stressed, which leads to exhaustion, not enough money and life without meaning. These people are not even aware of their divine gifts and stop thinking of a better life.

Most people don't think they can't do anything else, regardless of them being employees, freelancers or entrepreneurs.

On contrary, few feel the pleasure and the satisfaction of their work. For those people, every day represents a gain both materially and spiritually.

To get there, you need to release the belief "I have to work hard to make money" and "the fear of tomorrow" - something we will accomplish during this session.

4. Addictions, Dependency of Actions and Earnings

Most people who do not have the money they want have one or more addictions. We are not talking about the common ones such as drinking, smoking or gambling... but about dependency of luck or certain actions such as checking news or Facebook often.

During this session, you will identify the addiction that limits your earnings and traps you, the addiction that can potentially keep you in illusions.

PS. Even too much work can become an addiction!

It is scientifically proven that stress creates addictions. As a result, in this session we begin to realise the link between our actions and our results. We deal with those beliefs that lead to addictions, so we can stop the additions.

5. The Chase for Wealth & Fear of Poverty 

People lose their money because they are either in a rush to have even more, or they are afraid that they do not have enough.
Abundance actually means balance, and it comes from inner balance.

In this session, you will identify those fears and beliefs that cause you imbalances. After processing them, you will be able to notice the abundance that is right under your nose!

You will get your personalised interraction that starts with your own answers to these questions: "What does Wealth mean to you?" and "What does Poverty mean to you?"

6. Guilt & Shame

Guilt and shame appear when we have and when we don't material things. Some people feel guilty that they can't earn as much as they need, others because they have too much. Some are ashamed of how little they have, which makes them feel inferior, even if they have a college degree and/or have learned and advanced in their career.

Others are ashamed of how much they earn, which makes them waste all their money and be left with nothing at the end of a month.

After this session, you will feel free of guilt and shame and you will begin to feel and believe that you can and deserve and life can be even better for you.

7. Greed, Selfishness & Envy

People have a greater or lesser percentage of greed, selfishness and envy... which makes them fight to have more money (sometimes not even taking into account the wishes and lives of loved ones!).

How many times have you chosen work at the expense of family time?

In this session you will turn the energy of greed, selfishness and envy into that energy that attracts abundance in your life.

8. Financial Success

Some people limit their income by simply just accepting the amount of money they are given. They manage to cover their expenses, change their car once every 5 years, upgrade something in their house, go on a vacation and a few weekends each year. Most do not think of any more. They do not know and do not believe that they have the potential to live true abundance every day.

Others have had many failures and no longer believe in success, resigning from their own life, never believing that financial success is still possible for them.

During this session, you will eliminate beliefs such: "I don't deserve" | "I can't" | "I don't know what to do" and you create the right expectations for you ... because, in fact, you deserve much more.

Where are you?

Most people have the mentality of an employee, in which they know that they have to work hard, in order to receive the salary at the end of the month.

Some have their own business, and think from the perspective of generating income from which to cover expenses. If there is anything left, it is for them.

Very few people think from the perspective of abundance, which means that every month, the amount of money they need comes to them, from known and unknown sources.

Where do you want to be?

People want a carefree life, in which to work with pleasure, without feeling the effort of work and easily receive the more they need.

Current habits help you get what you have now. In order to have more, you need to change what you think, what you feel, what you do.

You need to get rid of those fears, beliefs and limitations that create your current habits and keep you where you are now.

This is how you become a magnet for money!

That is why during this program you identify what keeps you where you are right now, and you remove those limitations one by one.

Your guide: Anisoara Preda

Holistic Therapist

Certified Reconnective Healing and Reconnection Practitioner with 12 years of experience in Reconnective Healing, Anisoara has facilitated the evolution and the progress of over 1,000 people.

It is her mission to increase people's awareness, because that's how we can be truly happy.

Program developed by Ozana Giusca

Known as the Smart Profit Accelerator in the business world, primarily WOMAN, Ozana is the entrepreneur who helps small and medium business owners transform their businesses and maximize their profits. He has inspired and guided over 60,000 entrepreneurs on all continents. In 2019, she started the BeYou.BeFree Movement, as the way to transform life challenges into the most beautiful gifts, for the evolution of the person. She understood that the solution is in each of us - we just need the strategy, the guide, the right tool to uncover it. Ozana went bankrupt in 2009. But her real search began with the pain of losing her relationship with her son's father, after 12 years of relationship. Now Ozana lives the life she loves and offers those who are ready to have a better life this opportunity.


The tool used in this program works and gives results to every person who is open to using it.

It is scientifically tested and proven.

If you have not yet decided that you want to change something about yourself, if you do not want to live your truth, this program is not for you. That is why we do not offer a guarantee.

Money Magnet Program
by Anisoara Preda

Eliminate blockages that prevent you from having the money you need, through energy transformation

8 interactive sessions, 6.30-8pm UK time

  • Ongoing, Thursday 6.30-8pm UK time
  • Online
  • Continuous interaction and support through WhatsApp group
  • Limited to 10 participants, in order to have individual discussions and provide clarifications to each participant in each session
  • £931 (payment options availble)