Initiation Energetic Empowerment™

  • Tool
  • Method
  • Lifestyle

The transformation is forever!

START NOW / $1,000

The initiation consists of going through a 2-hour recorded session once, carefully, to which you get instant access immediately after purchase. Once you have completed the session, you can work with the Tool. You can choose to review the recorded session again, at any time, to maximise your understanding and benefit.

After that, you will no longer need this recorded session. This is why the access is valid for 60 days. Initiation is done at the level of intention, which means that your commitment and focus to watching the session are enough for you to be able to use the Tool.

You have the Tool for life - all you need to do is download it from our platform. You can use it whenever a blockage, a fear, an unpleasant situation appears in your life, to 'solve' it on the spot.

Initiation Energetic Empowerment™

  • Tool
  • Method
  • Lifestyle

The transformation is forever!

The initiation consists of going through a 2-hour recorded session once, carefully, to which you get instant access immediately after purchase. Once you have completed the session, you can work with the Tool. You can choose to review the recorded session again, at any time, to maximise your understanding and benefit.

After that, you will no longer need this recorded session. This is why the access is valid for 60 days. Initiation is done at the level of intention, which means that your commitment and focus to watching the session are enough for you to be able to use the Tool.

You have the Tool for life - all you need to do is download it from our platform. You can use it whenever a blockage, a fear, an unpleasant situation appears in your life, to 'solve' it on the spot.

For you if…

  • You are confused, overwhelmed
  • You have too much information, knowledge and you don't know where to start
  • You feel stuck
  • You don't know what else to do
  • You've tried various methods and you are still not close to where you want to be
  • You've searched and did not find the solution
  • It seems that you keep running into the same challenges
  • You end up in similar situations, over time
  • or you...
  • Simply want a better life, you want to be fit for the future

...and if you are looking for…

  • Change, progress, evolution
  • Something else, new, fresh
  • Mentor, guide
  • Spiritual ascension
  • Personal development
  • Accessing universal wisdom
  • And are open to other types of solutions, methods to resolve anything

Energetic Empowerment™

The Tool was developed in 2020. It produces instant transformation, with immediate effect. It is the right Tool for this period of accelerated changes

Why Energetic Empowerment™?

  • Because traditional methods no longer work for complete solution
  • There are areas in your life that you are not happy with

What does Energetic Empowerment™ do?

  • It transforms any fear, feeling, thought, belief, behavior, attitude that no longer serves you into free energy, which you can then use to create the life you want, because only with new energy can you create a new life

The Energetic Empowerment™ Promise:

Use it, and: you start to feel different, people treat you better, relationships improve, you have clarity on what you want, relevant solutions and opportunities come to you, you have more energy and life becomes easier and improved

Where can you go with Energetic Empowerment™?
Here is where we are:

  • Emotional balance and approach that results in the good of the whole
  • I perceive the most suitable path to follow
  • Openness to the new and continuous adaptation in balance
  • Valuing life in all its aspects
  • The supreme law for me is unconditional love in manifestation
  • I listen to myself and let myself be guided by my own intuition
  • The ability to accept and forgive, compassion
  • I understand any human challenge and can easily find the solution
  • Prioritisation that puts Life first
  • I help with compassion those who want to be helped
  • I feel balanced, in harmony with myself and the environment
  • My life is settled on all levels
  • People were leaving me. Now I attract them
  • I was creating conflict. Now I bring peace
  • I was giving and people felt that they were losing. Now people feel that they gain only by being around me
  • I gained weight and was told that I lost weight, because I was glowing from the inside!
  • I have the instant solution to solve any fear, feeling, situation
  • I feel really happy, fulfilled, in peace, harmony!
  • Miracles are constantly present in my life

There is no need for…
Regression, psychotherapy, therapy, counselling, coaching...

You become your own guide in your life

It is very possible that…

  • You start to see more perspectives
  • You begin to understand why certain things happen
  • Things start to happen for you, to get what you want
  • People start behaving nicer
  • You become more pleasant for those around you
  • New business opportunities appear
  • Situations, conflicts, challenges are resolved by themselves
  • You feel better physically and mentally

It is impossible to understand that there is 'another world' until you enter it.

Until then, you think that reality is only what you see, hear, feel, touch, smell... But life can significantly improve.

Tool developed by Anisoara Preda
Alchemist of the Soul

Certified Practitioner of Reconnective Healing and Reconnection, with 14 years of experience in the field of energetic healing, Anisoara discovered the importance of energy and energetics on people and the quality of life, since 1990 when she managed to overcome her own limitations. Her starting point was as a leader in network marketing, with over a thousand people in her organization.

She has facilitated the evolution and progress of the lives of thousands of people, with over 10,000 hours of therapy and coaching provided to clients. She runs 20 programs under the BeYou.BeFree umbrella, with proven results for those who are present and active during the sessions.

Her mission is to guide people who search to become aware of their true divine nature and manifest it in their own lives, in order to be truly free and happy.

Initiation developed & delivered by Ozana Giusca

Known in the business world as the Smart Profits Accelerator, Ozana has evolved into the messenger towards the transformation suitable for those who are looking for it.

The years in which Ozana was focused on accelerating the profits of her clients and herself, over 60,000 entrepreneurs from all continents, gave her the material satisfaction and professional recognition she wanted, but led to the loss of the relationship with the father of her child, after 12 years together. The pain of losing her beloved man was so big that Ozana was forced to search. Her own transformation, Ozana now living the life she loves, led to founding the BeYou.BeFree movement.

BYBF events and programs awaken souls to a beautiful, fulfilled life, to TRUE FREEDOM. The participants who assume the evolution get to feel the joy of living in every moment.


"This tool means everything to me for the rest of my life. I participated in the program for 4 months and I learned a lot. My life has changed for the better. I am a different person.

During all this time I have dug deep into myself and I understood my wounds, my pains, my sufferings, but I also discovered my personal strength, another world, wonders...

I was frustrated, but now I feel wise. I am a different person thanks to the guidance I received and working with this tool.

The journey of life is really beautiful, when we see it that way. 🙏❤️🤗"


"I met the "tool" on 8 Nov 2021. On 12 Nov 2021, it was the first day I used it properly. On 29 Nov 2021, I already felt I was a DIFFERENT KIND of person. I feel much better, I notice that I am changing... for the better.

I no longer have reactions like those before 8 Nov 2021, when I entered the first BYBF program. I have become an "observer" and I find that I have started to make "real" predictions that prove to be "reality" in the near future.

After Anisoara sent "Miracles" to us, I started the fiercest fight with myself, because I now realise that I can't access Miracles, if I keep saying and doing the same things as before. Anisoara and Ozana, thank you!

You had a GREAT IDEA!"


"6 months after the initiation: The relationship with my sister and my mother went to the next level! I sold the house that I couldn't manage to sell before! I manifest objects and money!

Some people say I'm doing therapy for them! I gave up offering swimming lessons! I changed the way I teach people how to ski: I moved from hourly lessons to daily lessons. I'm probably the ski instructor that achieves the highest earnings in Poiana Brasov.

I was not touched by covid! And the list goes on..."


Working with Energetic Empowerment™ comes from consciousness. At first it was a little difficult for me to find relaxation and patience of the mind. Now, however, the energy that I feel physically transforming is enough for me to do the work.

And more than that: it's the joy to discover myself, to leave behind the blockages that kept me in place, and the soul yearns for the new identity that you were talking about, which I feel is being built with each homework done.

Thank you for what you have gifted me!


I am lucky, and I live life with enthusiasm. Thanks to you! Because I am part of your program.

I am grateful that I was guided to know you, to know this tool that helped me overcome very difficult moments in my life.

I am extremely glad that I discovered Energetic Empowerment™ and the BYBF programs.

Thank you with gratitude for everything, especially for the support I received from Anisoara.

I have been searching for 10 years and have tried various things, but until EE, my life had not changed.


Since working with EE I am changed inside. I feel lighter, calmer, kinder, more understanding.

I am no longer looking to Have, but to Be.

I realized that one can have everything, but if you don't have the peace of the Soul, let it be good, let it feel good, you will never be satisfied.


What a community this is! I am honored to be part of it. I read about your struggles and it's as if I'm reading about myself... I also went through and am going through everything you are going through. We are brothers in spirit, so to speak.

These awarenesses shared here belong to everyone. I'm not always with a high vibration either, but even in the hardest moments, somewhere deep in my soul, I feel that the flag always stays high. That is, it is my choice when I want to stop crying for pity and get off the wagon. That flag inside tells me that the possibility of choice is always at my disposal.

Vibration means, frequency. Quantum physics brought a major change in the way we understand the universe: it showed that the atom is 99.9999% empty space - in other words energy - and only 0.00001% matter. Thus, Newtonian physics cannot be applied. The way our minds have been developed so far is Newtonian. That is, to know clearly the trajectories, distances, to know what to expect, to know the time, the speed, EVERYTHING.

In quantum physics we don't know anything, we can't predict anything. Quantum physics also showed that absolutely EVERYTHING is in permanent vibration, that is, movement in the universe at the atomic and subatomic level. Therefore, there is an infinity of probabilities, an infinity of possibilities.

We can never know in advance the trajectory of an electron. We can influence that trajectory with something that speaks the same language as the subatomic universe: an energy, meaning a thought, an intention, a word.

This makes you are part of everything that happens in the universe, even if you are not aware of it. Then the frequency is the number of repetitions of the vibration, that is, of the movement of the atoms in a chosen unit of time.

This shows if you have a low or high vibration.

If we know all this and if we become aware that the speed of a thought or intention is higher than the speed of light, we realize what we can do as co-creators. In other words, you raise your vibration: you increase the movement frequency of your entire inner atomic and subatomic universe with just one intention.

The only enemies of this creative ability are our negative emotions, our destructive beliefs and everything that blocks and stifles quantum fluidity. And this is where Energetic Empowerment™ comes in wonderfully. So the only belief that helps you is to know that you can.

"I "landed" in the BeYouBeFree movement at the end of 2020, I don't even know how ... but I know why. In the midst of a pandemic, isolation and times with restrictions, I was looking for strength, energy and "something" beyond the fear or gloomy predictions that I could see and hear around me.

I have experienced, in the past 2 years, all kinds of schools, events and mentors in spirituality, masters in energy therapies, courses in presence and inner listening ...

It is not my job to determine if some are more skilled than others, but surely the BeYouBeFree events and the sessions with Anisoara Preda are the ones that helped me get through this period... unusual to say the least.

Energetic Empowerment™ is not just a tool to read from time to time, but a way of living, through which I have been able to rise above all the problems of these times, and evolve... in a way that I would have not succeeded even in normal times.

I freed myself from convictions and beliefs, from external or internal fears and pressures... and I suddenly discovered that I have everything at my disposal, that everything is possible and that I can have or achieve everything I set my mind to, with ease and harmony.

And more importantly, I know that Anișoara and Ozana are always by my side, with support and encouragement or direction when I need it. I know that when "the scenery or life steals from me" they are there to help 😘🙏"


The fastest and safest way - I discovered in this journey of deep self-knowledge to maintain inner balance is active participation in BYBF's programs and the constant use of the wonderful Energetic Empowerment tool created by Anisoara.

Heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Ozana and Anisoara!


I thank God for opening this door to me. Thank you, Ozana, for making my access to this group possible. Thank you, Lord, for the grace of sending Anisoara, to help us "open" in a different way to YOU! Thank you Anisoara for your patience with us, for guiding us on this unknown road, but full of wonderful surprises. Thank you for helping us discover a new life, by using the tool you created through the Divine help you received.

I thank the divine for letting me face these times, and at the same time to Ozana for developing this project and especially to Anisoara for discovering/creating this beautiful and useful tool.

Unlike other hard years we had in the past, this end of the year comes with great joy. I had one of the most difficult years of my life to overcome. Now, at the end of the year, I feel stronger than ever!

This tool WORKS! I used it for the last month and a half constantly. Almost daily. The results are amazing.🌞🌞🌞

If you believe with every cell of yours that you have the power, that with minimal effort you can move mountains for yourself, life situations that in the past seemed impossible, now have become easy to overcome.

2022, I'm waiting for you 😊
Ruxandra, 24 Dec 2021

Thank you (again and again). I have been present in your programs for 4 months, and if I could have a meter mounted on my heart to measure the daily level of happiness, I could show everyone what an impact you two have through the programs you design. You will fill the spiritual void that we have in us from the immeasurable connection with the material world.

It is in everyone's power to discover, accept and forgive what disturbs them every day.

I accept and solve the daily challenges in a completely different way.

In short, I am a different person!

When you don't have anger and hatred, life is wonderful.

Not without work, by any means! But the peace and tranquility with which you can approach any situation create the necessary conditions to access success, regardless of what success means to you. 🙏🙏🙏

Now, for the first time in my life, I have a solution to change my life.

I am happy that I have found this - colleagues in the programs have been searching for years, and they admit they have not found anything like this before, to get results so quickly.

Within 4 months of using Energetic Empowerment™, I am going through the difficulties of life that have yet to be resolved, with my forehead up, smiling all day and walking like a snowflake.

Ozana, I'm thinking, how did you manage to appear on my phone 🧐, when problems were attacking me on all levels of life? I cannot relive that moment when I made the decision to leave myself in your hands, to change my life for the better.

There were problems, some really hard, and there still are some, but my state of mind (changed by you) has already solved some of them. I am confident I will solve the rest, because my state of mind is one that I have never experienced in my life.

Ozana, Anisoara, me and my soul, we love you! 💞

I entered the first BYBF program as a skeptic in November 2021. Not a novice to personal development, just with many questions vis-à-vis what I could still learn after 10 years of searching and discovering. In the last ten years I tried EVERYTHING that came my way, from books, priests, gurus, reiki, theta, cranio-sacral, and others.

I did it initially out of desperation, then out of anger, out of need, out of the desire for knowledge and evolution and finally out of the joy of being.

I read, I learned, I experimented continuously. I didn't think anything was "moving" me anymore! But this "something" was a big AHA! The tool designed by Anisoara 🙏, as well as the programs designed by Ozana and run together with Anisoara, are what the person who seeks needs.

Simple, for everyone's understanding, this tool literally works wonders.

There is only one essential condition: Use it!!!


It creates addiction and something else: BEAUTIFUL LIFE❤️❤️❤️


Since I started working with Energetic Empowerment™, I feel somehow protected from any harm. I know that if I don't understand something or I don't know what to do, or I don't know how to interpret some signs, I can ask you. I can formulate a theme and work on it and I will receive an answer or a solution every single time. It's fantastic.

I have never felt anything like that. Now I have a small tool in my pocket that protects me from everything!

Since I have been working with Energetic Empowerment, I have started to be more aware, I see myself from the outside, I observe myself much better. I realize what I have to work on. The transformation is so visible, so that I start making changes on all levels. I didn't perceive myself like that before. Now it's good that if I notice myself, I'm on the way to change.



  • All participants in BYBF programs have results
  • A tool that works for whoever uses it
  • If you don't want to do anything, it's not for you
  • This is why we can't offer any guarantee, quite simply if YOU don't commit, you won't evolve

Transformation is forever!