Business Success Marathon™ Collection

36 hours of top quality content from 15 cherry-picked speakers from all over the world.

Presentations, Q&As and Website Review Sessions.

  • Watch and revisit all the strategies as and when you want to implement them 
  • Learn at your pace and according to your own schedule 
  • Enjoy lifetime access to the entire collection
  • Share this wisdom with your team, business partners, clients and even friends who are determined to make bigger profits and a bigger impact

Price: $197

Duration: 36 Hours


Top business insights at your fingertips! Discover how to:

  • Successfully Launch Your Product or Service using social media advertising at no cost to you 
  • Build Your Online Sales Machine — generate business online on AUTOPILOT so you have a stable cashflow 
  • Publish a Book and Grow RICH so you are known as the expert you are and grow your profits exponentially 
  • Grow your list with people WHO PAY YOU to be subscribers – get 5,000 subscribers in the next month 
  • Maximize Facebook Tools to drive business like Mark Zuckerberg himself 
  • Discover the tools that Tony Robbins and Barack Obama use to influence thousands of people 
  • Adapt Your Business to the Current Economy, where buyers, faced with so much hype and noise, don't behave as they used to

A Collection that’ll Change Your Business & Life

15 industry leaders – all game-changers in their field – share their expertise with like-minded entrepreneurs and self-starters like you

No sales pitches! Pure content! 

Discover and model winning strategies from THE BEST so you build your DREAM business

Jonathan Mizel, Hawaii

An Internet Marketing Legend, Jonathan is the guy other gurus call when they need help with high-volume strategy and implementation for their own businesses. Known as The Godfather of Internet Marketing, Jonathan has been selling online and mentoring entrepreneurs since the birth of the commercial Web in 1992. He's an expert at generating massive amounts of targeted traffic, and specializes in email marketing, listbuilding, and developing Joint Venture relationships. This is the dude who built a 2 million person email list in less than 18 months!

The Secret Sources of Traffic: Discover what else to do in addition to Facebook and Google Ads 

  • Discover unheard of sources of traffic to replace or complement your current sources 
  • Save money on online advertising by tapping into other 25 platforms 
  • Generate your first 5,000 subscribers in a month, or add another zero to your current list within a year

Discover Form Internet Legend Jonathan Mizel New Sources of Traffic to Replace or Complement Google and Facebook Ads:

Ozana Giusca, Romania

The Catalyst for Accelerated Profits, Ozana has run businesses in consulting, retail, fashion, even a tech start-up. She has empowered 20,0000 entrepreneurs to build their dream businesses and is responsible for bringing $150,000,000 into her clients' companies. “If you want someone who’s done it all to help you increase profits and take your business to truly serve you, get Ozana as your mentor. She sees through any business and, within minutes, she tells you where you are missing out on making seriously more money.” Victor Smith.

Join the Dots... Put everything together so you finally make it!

  • How to build, step by step, a simple but effective system to attract clients online… and automate it 
  • Discover the most critical factor you must know to be successful in today's economy (it's not what you think!) 
  • Understand why your website, blog, emails, social media posts, ads (and anything else you put a lot of energy into) are not bringing you results – and what to do instead

Discover from Ozana How Her Team Is Generating 3,000 Leads per Month with Facebook Ads:

Barry Spilchuk, Canada

Author of 10 books, Barry is known as the Legacy Coach because he encourages people to move from Success to Significance. Barry is Senior Writer and Speaker at Black Card Books, the fastest growing publishing company in the world. He loves helping people and businesses bounce back from setbacks. Barry was dubbed 'the Comeback Kid’ by Jeffrey Hayzlett of Bloomberg TV. He served as President of the Chamber of Commerce and raised membership levels by 28% (in 3 days!) in the middle of a bad recession.

Publish a Book and Grow RICH so you are known as the true expert you are and grow your profits exponentially

  • Discover how a book can instantly differentiate you from everyone else who sells what you sell 
  • Write a book in 40 hours using this proven system, even if you have never written before 
  • Raise tens of thousands of dollars before you write a single word 
  • Leverage being an author to sell more for HIGHER profit margins 
  • Use your book to BRAND yourself with massive credibility and sell anything you want

Discover Barry's Winning Method to Determine the Topic of Your next Book:

Ketan Makwana, UK

Catalyst and Disruptor, Ketan is a serial entrepreneur, supporting the launch, growth and scaling of businesses. Ketan empowers people to develop mindsets, attitudes and behaviours for success. His business has impacted over 500,000 people worldwide. He has also supported the launch of over 6,000 businesses and mentored over 1,000 companies. Besides advising governments and ministries, Ketan sits on many advisory boards including MIT Professional Education and British Council.  

Behaviour and Attitude for Success: The key to success is through development of success behaviours and attitudes. 

  • Learn about developing business behaviours and attitude so you achieve the success you want, FASTER 
  • Discover customer attitude and behaviour so you know how to attract more clients 
  • Build more robust and sustainable strategies that will enable you to convert more clients 
  • Understand and identify stronger leadership practices to support you in growing your business 
  • Learn about becoming a DISRUPTOR in your industry

Discover from Ketan How to Stay Away from Generic Marketing Messages That Alienate Your Potential Customers: 

Tony Dovale, South Africa

Founder and CEO of Life Masters South Africa, Tony is the Business Soul Surgeon and the Mind-Shift Guy who enables organisations to achieve real success. He designed a personal transformation and revolutionary system to align the best in people and teams so you achieve your desired results. He is the expert in resilience, growth mindsets and high performance, having helped companies to 2x to 4x their results. Tony is on this planet to bring more integrity, freedom, love, abundance, peace and joy to those who are ready.

The Revolutionary Workplace. Build Your High Performance System

  • Design, structure, build and lead a high performance team, step by step, and create a potent foundation for ensuring long-term REAL Success 
  • Understand why, what and how your Staff, Teams, Leadership and Culture create the foundation for exponential impacts and results 
  • Stop wasting time on business performance improvement that does nothing to impact your business results 
  • Discover what and how to take yourself from “technician” working IN your business to being the LEADER, working ON your business.

Learn from Tony Dovale How You Can Transform Your Company in a High Performance Organisation So You Achieve Real Success: 

Lilia Severina, Ukraine

Big Deal Maker, Lilia is one of the world's most successful sales practitioners. In 2008, when sales figures were falling sharply, she generated €56M in revenue. Her 7-Step Sales Success System is designed to help you grow your income and revenue FAST without compromising your values or life balance, because integrity and life balance are what Lilia strives for. She mentors young entrepreneurs at The Prince’s Trust, a charity created by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. 

Read Your Client’s Mind and Close Deals. Understand buyer psychology and sell without objections

  • Conclude BIG DEALS so you get better rewards for the same effort you put into the process 
  • Build a clear sales vision, because without clarity it is impossible to get far 
  • Read the buyer’s mind, so you adapt your communication to get the sale 
  • Build your step-by-step sales plan to meet your targets and beyond

David Shephard, UK

Master Trainer of NLP, David loves to teach entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants to make a difference in the world by influencing their clients to make the right decisions. Over the past 25 years, he has helped 1000s of people reach their personal development goals. Via his program Master of Influence, he makes the seemingly impossible, possible. David has developed the SPICE model, so you can easily uncover the power of influencing. Successful international speakers and entrepreneurs have learnt from David how to include NLP in their business language, which resulted in their sales doubling.

Masters of Influence ...because in business and in life you don’t get what you deserve – you get what you influence! 

  • Use the latest discoveries in NLP to create emotional engagement so people buy from you 
  • Apply Cialdini’s 6 Rules of Influence in your daily routine to get what you want with ease 
  • Include words of power in your communication (emails, website, client presentations) to sell more 
  • Move your audience when you are on stage 
  • Discover the tools that Tony Robbins and Barack Obama use to influence thousands of people

Learn from David Why You Need to Quit Using "But" And "Try" and What to Use Instead to Become a Top Influencer: 

Lorraine Carter, Ireland

Winner of “Best Blog Ireland of an SME” and “Business Woman of the Year” and listed in the top 1,000 Women of Influence in Ireland, Lorraine has won multiple branding and design awards on the international scene. Lorraine is a mentor for Dublin City University Ryan Academy for Entrepreneurs, Docklands Innovation Park and Local Enterprise Offices around Ireland. Lorraine takes no-name companies and transforms them into highly recognized brand names. She empowers small business owners to make their brands highly visible, different, memorable and much loved.

Invisible to Visible No.1 Brand …because with a good brand, your business is the most profitable!

  • The top 10 professional secrets to how successful branding works to generate the greatest profit 
  • How to become a highly recognized household name using the Persona Brand Building Blueprint™ System 
  • How to increase the perceived value of your product or service brand so you can charge a premium 
  • The 10-step process to building a profitable brand – whether you're revitalizing an existing brand or launching a new brand to market 
  • How to avoid discounting and price wars so your customers pay you the proper price — reflecting the true value you provide with your product or service

Discover from Lorraine Carter the 4 Major Mistakes That Sabotage Your Chances to Build a Profitable Brand:

Justin Devonshire, Cyprus 

Justin Devonshire is an international speaker and consultant to 7- and 8-figure earning entrepreneurs. Justin owns businesses in multiple niches, including health, personal development and entrepreneurial success. He has partnered and shared the stage with some of the most successful speakers in the industry, including Gary Vaynerchuk, Bill Walsh, Gerry Robert, Mark Victor Hansen and Dave Dee. His businesses have been featured in Forbes, Cosmopolitan, Men's Health and Huffington Post as well as on national TV and radio.

How to Create a Freedom-Business to Live Life on Your Terms 

  • The HUGE difference between being a solopreneur and an entrepreneur – and how one leads to burnout and the other to freedom 
  • How to quickly eliminate burnout and stress by creating a SYSTEM 
  • Why you must start working less if you want to earn more 
  • How to stop doing time-consuming tasks you hate, and build a lifestyle business where other people work for you 
  • How to quickly create systems and products

Learn from Justin (and Warren Buffett) How to Achieve More While Investing Less Time and Effort:

Nick James, UK

Having dropped out of university at the age of 21, Nick James failed spectacularly with his first coaching business and ended up taking a £16k/yr telesales job. Within 12 months he was top performer and earning up to £10k/month, before starting his second business at 24. This time he discovered a winning formula and did six figures in the first year… £250k in second year… and then nearly went out of business due to a mistake which cost him £50,000 in personal cash! Nick kept it afloat, turned it round, and sold that business 2 years later in a seven figure deal. He then co-founded a multi-million-pound events company, and today he runs "Seriously Fun Business" - a company specialising in helping businesses grow rapidly through live events.

Discover from Nick James How to Get the Right People in the Room and Avoid Seminar Junkies So You Make a Profit at Your next Event:

Lauren Clemett, Australia

Award-winning Personal Branding Specialist, Lauren has assisted hundreds of professional service providers to discover their single-minded purpose and become instantly recognized and respected for their expertise. Best-selling author of personal branding guidebook Selling You, she has featured inThe Age, Sydney Morning Herald, The Courier Mail, Coaching Life, Sales Mastery Magazine, and She regularly appears on Australian radio 102.9 FM’s “What Were They Thinking?” branding segment.

Well Known, Well Paid & Wanted …explain exactly why a prospect should choose you

  • How to create instant recognition as the go-to specialist, using Neurobranding science to naturally attract the right clients 
  • Learn what’s going on in the mind of your prospect to ensure your brand quickly conveys your unique skills and talents and positively affects their buying decisions 
  • The 3 most important questions your prospect wants your brand to answer before they will know, like and trust you 
  • The Neurobranding Core Message formula to create an elevator pitch that engages and creates an abundance of business enquiries

Discover from Lauren Clemett the 3 Things You Need to Become Well Known, Well Paid and Wanted: 

Christian Leeb, Austria

Serial Entrepreneur, Chris is involved with start-ups across the globe, who work for a new world in an open, transparent and appreciative way. This is the credo that nourishes his irrepressible drive and makes him set out again and again. Chris develops sustainable, future-oriented business ideas and puts innovations into practice. Vision controls his life. Many times it becomes reality. Having been exposed to hundreads of start-ups, some successfull, some not so much, Chris has accumulated wisdom to now support any entrepreneur, especially in tech field. 

Unique Value and Product-Market-Fit ...because without a market to see value in what you offer you have no business

  • The biz idea is not the product 
  • Value is not the price 
  • Inside out and outside in 
  • Why uniqueness is key 
  • How to get product-market-fit

Discover from Christian How to Determine the Unique Value of Your Product:

Steve Olsher, US 

Known as the world’s foremost reinvention expert, famous for helping individuals and corporations become exceptionally clear on their WHAT – that is, the ONE thing they were created to do – his practical approach propels his clients towards achieving massive profitability while cultivating a life of purpose, conviction, and contribution. A 25+ year entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author, host of the #1 rated radio show/podcast “Reinvention Radio”, and creator/host of Internet Prophets LIVE!, Steve has also appeared on CNN, Fox Business and other national outlets.

What Is Your WHAT? Discover The ONE Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do

  • Discover the ONE thing that prevents someone from living a life of happiness, fulfillment and purpose 
  • 3 simple steps to discovering your WHAT, so you can stand out from the crowd 
  • The difference between WHY and WHAT?

Discover from Reinvention Expert Steve Olsher Why Money Is Not an Obstacle in Your Way to Success: 

Dave Woodward

Dave Woodward a business development strategist and marketing consultant. He has worked in a variety of industries from employee benefits, financial services, mortgage banking, real estate and software. He specializes in working with high end ticket coaching and consulting companies who are looking to build their companies from high 6 figures revenues to 8 figures revenues and more. He is currently working as Click Funnels Chief Business Development Officer.

How to Generate Leads For Free And Maximize Your Profits Without Having Any Tech Skills

  • Why websites are dying and not making money 
  • How to get prospects to pay you to market to them 3 core funnels to funnel stacking 
  • The best funnel for your unique business 
  • How to avoid technology headaches so you can focus on increasing profits

Dave Woodward Shares His Online Funnel Blueprint for Hight Ticket Solutions:

Deenita Pattni, UK

Award winning, International Speaker, Mentor, Trainer and Author, Deenita carved a successful and profitable corporate career simply by connecting the right people with each other. As an entrepreneur she continues this trend by helping entrepreneurs connect with their ideal audience through the power of LinkedIn, the platform that landed her a £40K contract in her first month in business on her own. She trains entrepreneurs on how to use LinkedIn to build authority, credibility, visibility, and ultimately, profitability through attracting the right people into your network. After all, it’s your network that leads to your net worth.

SkillsLinkedIn – Cash In. Leverage LinkedIn & attract leads so you can grow both your network and your net worth

  • Show you how you to build a profile that attracts the right people to it 
  • Help you to qualify and engage with your connections so they think of you first when they need your service 
  • Demonstrate ways in which to create content that positions you as the go-to Expert in your industry 

Deenita Shares in This Video Her Golden Rule for Selling on Social Media:

Mike Berry, Scotland 

Mike generated his first income online in 1996 (2 years before Google started, and 8 years before Facebook). He hosted the first-ever Internet Summit in Scotland (in 2004). Mike has written guides on virtually every aspect of Social Media & SEO, has spoken around the world on the Internet Platform and continues to generate 100% of his income online. Search Google for "First Page Ranking Experts" - OR - "Above All Natural Results" and you'll find that Mike is not only at the top above MILLIONS of competitors, but he DOMINATES the results with multiple positions.

Exclusive: Mike will put 1 participant onto the First Page of Google LIVE during his presentation, whilst at the same time explaining exactly what he is doing, and how you can emulate his success. 

If you want to get your name or website on 1st Page of Google within one hour, share our posts on social media to invite your friends to join the Business Success Marathon™ and write your website on any of our posts so you enter the competition of the lucky winner of the SEO makeup session.

Discover from Mike How You Can Increase Your Domain Authority So You Improve Your Google Ranking:  

Matthew Hill, UK 

The Intercultural and Leadership Trainer, Matthew has worked with more than 18,500 people and is regarded as one of Britain’s most dynamic leadership trainers writers and speakers. Matthew brings a new energy to an area that can sometimes be considered technical, dry and too academic. he awakens audiences to their awesome inner resources to release an abundance of leadership capability. He shakes up the habits and beliefs of new teams and leaders to inspire them to action, facilitating their growth in confidence, credibility and competence. He brings bluechip experience and expertise to the small business world in a fun and interractive manner. 

Improving Your International Negotiation Skills ... because differences don’t have to be difficult and the games can be ENORMOUS

  • Cultural Factors – how can you anticipate and prepare for an international partner dialogue and end up with a BIGGER PIE and a bigger slice of the pie? 
  • Language – discover the patterns in language for influence, power and negotiation 
  • Realm – understand where the other party comes from and you will do significantly better 
  • The 7 Arguments – to win your case! 
  • Power – distribute it wisely, and you will close more deals, gain more negotiated advantage and stay on friendly terms for longer with your partners.

Discover from Mathew Hill to Use and Defend against the King Strategy to Win a Negotiation:

Valeriu Lingurar, Romania

How to Improve Your Site to Generate More Business

  • How to avoid the mistakes that get people to click the “Back” or “X” Button 
  • How to get more sales using the knowledge and online assets you already have 
  • How to convince your ideal clients/visitors to opt in to your newsletter 
  • What changes can immediately increase your sales via your website 
  • How to induce the “Yes, I’m in the right place” feeling so people stay on your website and check out your offering

Check out Valeriu's Suggestions to Improve This Website: 


Get these 36 hours of premium content now so you don’t miss out on the best ideas that could make a difference in your business.

Countless participants at the Business Success Marathon™ told me they had never got so many valuable business insights in a single event! You will love these resources because they are all practical strategies to take your business to a new level.

Buy now and get a FREE 60-min advisory session with one of our senior partners, to use within 30 days of purchase.

Select and apply the insights most useful and relevant for your business and you will:

  • Increase Sales Exponentially 
  • Achieve BIGGER Profits 
  • ATTRACT Clients rather than Sell Live 
  • Life on YOUR Terms 
  • Become a Recognized Expert in Your Niche 
  • Create More Value in Your Industry 
  • Help More People 
  • Make a Difference in this World 
  • Be in FULL Control 
  • Gain More RESPECT 
  • Leave Something Behind 
  • Live YOUR DREAM!

This Is for YOU If:

  • You have a small to medium size business, OR…
  • You're an entrepreneur, business owner, coach, consultant, expert, trainer, speaker or author who wants to generate more revenue and make a bigger impact, AND 
  • You don't want to just survive... you want to thrive in this competitive economy

And Especially If... 

  • Your sales haven’t grown or aren't growing fast enough 
  • You feel stressed about paying your employees or bills 
  • You never have enough time 
  • You’re missing out on all the fun 
  • You want to finally be able to build your dream company 
  • Your costs are high and profitability low 
  • Your competitors are hot on your heels 
  • You've tried various tactics to generate business and they haven't worked 
  • Your prospects rarely become PAYING clients 
  • You want to make changes in your approach but you're not sure what (or how to go about this) 
  • You feel you are missing something in your business, but can’t identify it 
  • Your prices are discounted yet you’re still not selling more 
  • Few people know you, your product or service 
  • You are uncomfortable with selling and struggle to get people to pay you 
  • You have many ideas and you're not sure how to put them into practice

Live reaction from participants

Here's what other entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, experts, just like you, have said about Business Success Marathon Event:

"I am watching this stream at work and I told my boss about how great this presentation is. He joined me and called the rest of our leadership team, now we are all sitting here watching!"

Chelsea Smith 

"Thank you for your enthusiasm and for your caring of other entrepreneurs. It is fantastic what you have put together for us, as new business and existing business owners."

Eric Pacheco

"The Business Success Marathon is a great way to brainstorm with other business owners. I like the marathon because it is intensive and goes straight to the point."

Jane Henry

"Thank you for all the information. I have 5 pages of hand written notes. It will be interesting to watch how my business will change by implementing these strategies"

Lisa Barakat

"Brilliant session, so engaging I could not take a bio break all this time."

George Mobargha

"Never knew a book could do so much for my business. Glad to be a part of this awesome seminar."

David Laurino

"Where can we find the record of today? I've joined only 5 min ago and feel like I've lost vital info."

Andreea Epistatu

"There is so much… I’m going to focus getting better language from my audience. Thank you for giving a lot!"

Christopher Browning

"Thank you, so I can get the focus organized!! I was changing my profile as you spoke, this session was fascinating!

Yvette Thorton

Why We Did This?

We believe it’s the small businesses that are going to change the world. We believe people buy from people; therefore YOU and your business can compete with large organizations as their equal. Standardized, rigid approaches no longer resonate with the new culture. We are now talking about H2H (human to human) business rather than B2B or B2C, which means anyone can attract customers and grow a successful business. 

Each of the speakers at Business Success Marathon™ has faced and overcome challenges. We have all learnt from our own failures and mistakes and we are committed to helping other entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants – people just like you – to create a successful business without having to go through the pain we experienced.

Our common mission is to empower fellow entrepreneurs and small business owners to make more money, create more value and ultimately live their dream.

If you’re wondering about our money-back guarantee (valid question), the answer is: there isn’t one! 

If you’re wondering about our money-back guarantee (valid question), the answer is: there isn’t one! 

By now you have seen some of the speakers in action at the Business Success Marathon™, so you know they mean business. There’s only one reason this Collection could have no impact on your business: if you don't put it to work. It is now up to YOU to implement the strategies you got access to.

We have decided not to offer a money-back guarantee so that only committed entrepreneurs take up this offer; those who have seen the power of the content and are determined to harness it for their business. These are also the kinds of entrepreneurs we love to work with.

Only $197.00

Business Success Marathon™ Collection

36 hours of top quality content from 15 cherry-picked speakers from all over the world

The collection is delivered online. Once your payment is confirmed, you gain IMMEDIATE access

Buy now and get a FREE 60-min advisory session with one of our senior partners, to use within 30 days of purchase.

Speakers featured in:

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